Wednesday, December 9, 2009

thank you dad!!

yes those are my kids in the video and the director is the right one. the Pa i am staying with has no relation to the center and is only called Pa out of respect his name is not Pa. i know the video can bring tears to your eyes but dont be sad for these kids they are loving teachers and gardens taking care of them and have so many more oppertunities because they are in this school. feel sorry for the children still being pushed areound in wheelbarows and left to fend for themselves with animals because parents did not know how to care for them. the school tries to take as many children as possible but they need money and when the family can pay it is great! if not they take about 5 on scolarship and they try to get sponsers for as many as possible. they are clean water, food and love there is much to be thankful for. even in this video you dont see their indiviual personalities and belive me may have enough personality to break a 'normal' person and only their special condition can give life to them. one girl with no arms would just be lost in the crowd if she was born with arms but here she realizes she can do mostly everything fine with her feet and she learns to expand her mind to deal with future obsticals. well enough of this i guess i get a little too pasionate about it. on the other hand i love talking about them. my life is fine, i got pizza and horses as i wished and great company. the school closes on the 18th for christmas hollidays. i will be leaving shortly after for a hospital in another village. thats all for now so love you all take care are see you in less than 13 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I would hate to get in your way with these kids!!!
    Hi Dear
    We do sound a little pasionate about them!
    How about names and a story or two on the people at the school?
    Glad to hear your fine and how is the water, barrels still full?
    First snow fall today everybody driving like an idiot.
    Do you know the town that is the next stop on your adventure?
    Take care for now and 13 weeks is still a long time
    Love you and hope the next place has water and not just a pee hole.
    Love Dad and Lorie
    Sounds like you may miss this place
