Wednesday, December 2, 2009

happy birthday cory!!!! i am sorry i am a day late

hello all, i am only here today because i had an hour left and it runs out in 3 days =P. OMG guess what?!?!?! i get pizza friday!!!!!!!!!!! lol i was invited to someones house for pizza and a movie and i was like OMG PIZZA YES PLEASE!!!!! and it was after that i found out that i mihgt have the chance to see and even ride horses and that changed it to a hell yea =P so the week has been the same i guess, i really love the children, sadly i must say i have favourites but i will not name names because it is crule to choose between children and even worse to tell about it. but some are just so darn cute!! the work is mostly great, i enjoy everyday even if some days are long and i have even started teaching one class two boy, the only class two boy lol. but it is rewarding to see that he is learning from each lesson. man the world could learn a lesson or two from these children and also the adulds who take care of them. they are in constant finatial worry but each day is a gift to them and every lesson is fun and interesting. most of the children are smiling all day even if they cant talk even if they cant even move more than an arm they take in the day and enjoy all the pleasures and fight through the difficulties. i dont know if i will be able to take many or even any pictures but hopefuly just before i go i can take some pictures. the centre has a no pictures without permision because it is invasive for the children to be snaped all day long and some idiots have taken pictues and used them to promote their companies and organizations that have nothing to do with CEFED. wow some people are heartless. so i guess thats it for now. dad i did get the info and have it with me. i love your long poasts lorie and it is a bother to have no running water but atlest we have big barels of rain watter for now. oh and the school closes for chrismas break on the 18th so i guess i will be finishing then. one last HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cory yesterday and wow you are growing up fast boy and dont you dare get any taller!! love you all and take care. laters, emily


  1. Hello Darling,
    Wow! Pizza, movie and horses all at once - I am so excited for you. I am still in Cuba. Going home on Friday. I am so proud of you and the work you are doing. The children will certainly benefit from knowing you and working with you. Grandma & Grandpa are in Monteal visiting family and the Ky's. The new trailer is now in place and looks like a Palace. They are very happy.
    Love and miss you terribly. Mom xoxo

  2. Hi Dear
    I have been looking up CEFED and is it run by Magdalene Manyi? And the name of your host is it Pah Charles Ndoping?
    I have seen some YouTube videos of the kids singing "I will dance for you"
    Got a tear in my eye just watching.
    And found one somebody took of Pah in his compound.
    If these are correct I will post the Links
    Hope the rain barrels are very big
    What are you drinking now? Beer?
    I hope you do not get spoiled with the pizza
    What else are you eating?
    Is there any time left on your phone?
    Love you and take care
    Dad & Lorie
    Hugs and Kisses for you and the kids

  3. Hello darling; we are back from montreal and we went by pembroke and cory was very happy that you remembered his birthday. Yes our trailer looks like a palace on the hill.Grampa and I looke on the internet and saw some of your kids singning, it brought a tear to my eyes, you are very courageous to be able to help them out, we are very proud of you. we will miss you at christmas and new years and for your birthday but very anxious to see you in florida even if it's only for a week. we are very proud of what you are doing and tell everyone about you, specially your grand dad. talk to you later love you and miss you grand ma.
