Wednesday, October 21, 2009

bjr lol bonjour in texting sorry for no novel of excitment lol i will try to do a little better but it is not as exciting as everyone thinks sadly i feel kinda useless here as i can be doing this stuff easier in canada and i can at least take care of myself and do what i wish. well no more self pity for the moment - i will tell you stome stuff thoughi dont know where to start.... i am thinking of starting a hand washing buisness for clothes and delicates because i am getting good at it and getting fater lol faster though i am getting fatter as well. who in their right mind goes to africa and gets fatter!!!??? though i guess it is also all the carbs with every meal. oh i am taking people for afican food when i get home lol and i am still salavating over the banana bread btw megan. there are some meals i am trying to watch and learn and i might be able to make when i get home so i will try to cook for you too though not the traditional afican food because it is freaking hard to make so i will buy it. oh my god i want cereal lol or real milk though the powder stuff is awsome. enough about food for now i am already hungry. did you know that you going to sleep at 12 means you are going to sleep as i get up??... now you know!! lol had to sorry. i have learned to change a diper very quickly and it is cloth you have to wrap a certain way followed by another cloth followed by plastic. i dont know what else to write so i will just randomly ramble about whatever comes to mind; so i have kept a journal everyday you would be proud though not of the writing my semi organized writing has turned to pure streem of conciousnness writing and my concious does not have any logical order, wow i am thinking of food again... oh i got my hair done again plated back against my head with black mesh woven in it looks awsome from the front but the back is kinda weak. lol and my scalp is soon going to burn but o well cest la vie. you would laugh at my little knowledge of pidgin but i promise to learn at least a little more before i come back. it really is not as scary as it seems to people when you addapt i am quite confortable here and the people are welcoming. i cant wait to get home and eat turkey then become a veggie cuz i think eating monkey has put me off of meat it has a strange taste and i did not like it. oh and there is no address where i am staying - i am on a back street and just down the road are wooden hand built homes so it is not the most upscale of places. thanks to sargent for the most of this post because i m kinda lazy right now and used some or most of an email i sent her for this poast. love you all and take care emily


  1. Just got a call from Emily at 08:00
    It was a bad connection, sounded like 15 people were on the line and I could hear everybody better than Emily.
    So she had to talk using one word at a time mostly yes or no with a 5 to 10 second delay.
    But it was nice to hear her even if it was just yes or no.
    She sounded a little home sick or maybe home food sick I could not tell
    NO kids in your bags when you come back please
    And no helmet, what do you think of that?
    Please take care
    Do you know how far it is to your work? Is it in the same city or a different town? 10 miles, half hour to get there? I would like to know.
    Please take care of your self
    Love and miss you dear

  2. Hi Honey, Thanks for the updates and like Dad says, take care of yourself and keep your chin up. Love always, Mom
