Tuesday, December 29, 2009

happy belated christmas and early new years!

i am sorry that it has been so long. i tried t go to the internet but the current was off the first time then after that everything was closed because TIA (this is africa). m Christmas was nice and quiet. we cooked alot, visited much and ate more than anything. also when you go to visit it is rude too refuse food so every house we went to we ate a full meal. this is after already eating at home twice the mount of food as usual. i got a new phone and the number is the same so everything is up and running thankfuly. this place is called Bansaw though i dont know the spelling and the area is Kumbo. it is a nice place and everyone speaks the dialect Lamsaw so i spend alot of time thinking. the family is very nice and the ma has a shop so i spend alot of time there. i have seen the palace where the Fon lives and i have seen and heard stories about the Juju. they are masked people that run around when some one important dies and at hollidays. when you see them you have to bow reall low or hide because if you are not respecting them they beat you. lol dont worry the tradition has lightened and only if you are being a loser will they beat you. i was told that they put medicin on their bodies and it makes them mad. it is very interesting and totaly afican. will try to get pictures to bring home.i guess that is all i can think of now. i will come again soon. oh i forgot to mention my next job will be helping build up a library - can anyone say perfect for me?!? lol i am excited i start on jan 4th. talk to you all soon, take care and love you. Emily

Thursday, December 17, 2009


i forgot to say that i lost / had my phone stolen so my number does not exist anymore. when i get a new one i will tell you all the number. laters

hello and merry early christmas!!!

well another week has passed and yes i will miss this place you are right dad/Lorie. the water is fine and i am getting used to it fine. stories wow there are alot of stories but it is hard to think of them on the spot so i will by the end of this post tell a few. the center closes on the 20th so i will be leaving then but i do not remember the name of the town it is fairly close though. i will deff miss the children and teachers/staff at the center. the last few days have been rest for the children because examinations are over so i have just been playing with them. today Marimou plaited my hair. it would seem normal enough but she has no arms so she did it all with her feet and toes. it was awesome. i have pictures and will post when i can. Walla, a boy with downs, loves to go and pick guava to bring back for us to eat and he finds black/shea butter i think it is called for us to eat as well. we had a seminar on teaching and MR this week to give everyone an idea on the subjects. all the grandchildren of Pa have come to stay with us so the house is full! there is always life and i have no pictures left because they always want to be snaped or video taped. i have some funny pics and videos to show when i get home. wow Christmas next week! so close! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all reading this and happy new years. hope everyone is fine at home and take care, Emily.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

thank you dad!!

yes those are my kids in the video and the director is the right one. the Pa i am staying with has no relation to the center and is only called Pa out of respect his name is not Pa. i know the video can bring tears to your eyes but dont be sad for these kids they are loving teachers and gardens taking care of them and have so many more oppertunities because they are in this school. feel sorry for the children still being pushed areound in wheelbarows and left to fend for themselves with animals because parents did not know how to care for them. the school tries to take as many children as possible but they need money and when the family can pay it is great! if not they take about 5 on scolarship and they try to get sponsers for as many as possible. they are clean water, food and love there is much to be thankful for. even in this video you dont see their indiviual personalities and belive me may have enough personality to break a 'normal' person and only their special condition can give life to them. one girl with no arms would just be lost in the crowd if she was born with arms but here she realizes she can do mostly everything fine with her feet and she learns to expand her mind to deal with future obsticals. well enough of this i guess i get a little too pasionate about it. on the other hand i love talking about them. my life is fine, i got pizza and horses as i wished and great company. the school closes on the 18th for christmas hollidays. i will be leaving shortly after for a hospital in another village. thats all for now so love you all take care are see you in less than 13 weeks.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

happy birthday cory!!!! i am sorry i am a day late

hello all, i am only here today because i had an hour left and it runs out in 3 days =P. OMG guess what?!?!?! i get pizza friday!!!!!!!!!!! lol i was invited to someones house for pizza and a movie and i was like OMG PIZZA YES PLEASE!!!!! and it was after that i found out that i mihgt have the chance to see and even ride horses and that changed it to a hell yea =P so the week has been the same i guess, i really love the children, sadly i must say i have favourites but i will not name names because it is crule to choose between children and even worse to tell about it. but some are just so darn cute!! the work is mostly great, i enjoy everyday even if some days are long and i have even started teaching one class two boy, the only class two boy lol. but it is rewarding to see that he is learning from each lesson. man the world could learn a lesson or two from these children and also the adulds who take care of them. they are in constant finatial worry but each day is a gift to them and every lesson is fun and interesting. most of the children are smiling all day even if they cant talk even if they cant even move more than an arm they take in the day and enjoy all the pleasures and fight through the difficulties. i dont know if i will be able to take many or even any pictures but hopefuly just before i go i can take some pictures. the centre has a no pictures without permision because it is invasive for the children to be snaped all day long and some idiots have taken pictues and used them to promote their companies and organizations that have nothing to do with CEFED. wow some people are heartless. so i guess thats it for now. dad i did get the info and have it with me. i love your long poasts lorie and it is a bother to have no running water but atlest we have big barels of rain watter for now. oh and the school closes for chrismas break on the 18th so i guess i will be finishing then. one last HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cory yesterday and wow you are growing up fast boy and dont you dare get any taller!! love you all and take care. laters, emily

Saturday, November 28, 2009

hi and sorry it has been so long!

a bella to which you reply a bon, just another way to say how are you/hello here. one of the freaking many! so Lorie had some question that i will first respond to - water has been off for months and i doupt it will come back on during my time here. i have over 650 pictures just no way to put them on the comp so when i can there will be a massive upload. it is about a 5 min motor ride and a 20 to 30 min walk but that is stroling slowly. i start work at 830 and finish at 130tuesday through thursday and 530 monday and friday but that is only waiting for hours then 1 to 2 more hours of work when the children get up from their naps. the children live at the center and their parents come to visit and take them out for day trips and they go home during the hollidays well most of them some parents can not take proper care of the children because the disabilities are so bad so they stay with the director for the hollidays. i live with Pa and Destiney a grandfather and grandaugnter the rest of the family comes to visit or stay a few days but most of the time it is just us. Pa is a retired police officer and Destiney is a 16 year old student. the school/center is very nice and the other teachers are welcoming-one in particular Bridget is here with me right now and has been helping me at school and around town. the students are split into groups depending on their abilities and interest. there are the phisicaly disabled and mildly mentaly disabled who have normal classes then there are the MR mentaly retarded who are split into 3 groups the mildly-who do productive work in a group called Cane work they build baskets, sew, knit and other activities. there is the moderet group called Beats work who do beads, clay work and identification of animals and fruits and stories and sing songs. the severe cases are in a group called Play group and use table toys, picture learning clay work and other activites to stimulate their minds and muscles. there are staff who come and take the children for phisio thearapy exercies daily. i guess thats all for now i will think of more to write next time but this will give you an idea of what i do. take care of yourselves,love you and laters.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

sorry it has been so long

i know i said i would be going tuesday but i just arrived in Santa in the north west thursday night. the plans for Limbe fell through, they wanted 600 euros for me to volunteer there-no thank you. so we took a 6 hr bus ride to Santa and here i am. the family is very nice and the climat is awsome for me-it is nearly cold! like sweaters and pants cold wow. this is an english speaking place and the people are much different not to mention harder to understand than the french. this is the only internet in this little town so i wont be coming often but i will come as often as possible. i am working at a disability center that takes care of and teaches children with disabilities. alredy from just friday i know a few things in sign language. the center also teaches class 1 teachers everyday and special education teachers on friday. i am enjoying it but getting used to it still. there is one little problem witht he house i am living in-the water stoped working a little while ago so that causes some dificulties. mostly the toilet does not work so we have to use a pee hole. yes a hole that you pee in. the food is great, finaly got to try achoo, and the people are nice enough. i guess thqt is all for now everyone take care and i know i give very little information in the blog, i am sorry it is just hard to think of what to write. i have been keeping a journal and i may type it up and poast it if any one is interested in my day to day life troubles and hapenings. anyways love you all and take care. laters Emily

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Pictures


hi, love you all here are some pictures that i will explain later and that i hope you like. There is more at following site.
i leave tomorrow so i am busy with washing and packing and saying goodbye to everyone. hate to leave but am excited to go. laters

Friday, November 13, 2009

moving soon!!

sorry it has been so long everyone. this week has been hectic and kinda nuts but in a good way. i got my program, i made new friends and it is the mothers, Marcel, it is her birthday today so i wanted to get here somthing and that takes alot of work in this contry when i have no idea how to go about it. first i just want to say hi to nana and papa love you guys and im sorry i dont email. next cory and the rest of the family, it is awsome to hear from you and there is a book you should read as well called Tha Name of the Wind omg it is awsome the writing and the story wow. dont let the size decive you it goes by very quickly. so i have my program for the rest of the triop not the little details but the general. i leave for limbe on tuesday and work in the zoo for a month then i go to the north west for a month then to yaounde for a while before comming back to Douala for a little while before i leave. i will miss some people here like crazy but i am very excited about somthing new. wow i get to work with animals. not really related to the reason i came here but i will be glad to try it out and hopefuly learn somethings. for the moment i dont have much else to say but all is going well and i might get some pics over the internet from one of the ladies who visits the orphalinant so hopefuly i can send those. we will see. love you all and take care.

Monday, November 9, 2009

well then

my time at this job and this location are almost finished and i will miss my babies very much. hello to aunt chris and the family and mrs. Lamond and to Susan love you all. i dont know my program for the rest of the trip yet but i should find out tonight so i will poast it as soon as i know. i really dont have much to say right now nothing to exciting happening. so everyone take care and love you all. Laters

Thursday, November 5, 2009

life's what you make it so lets make it right

lol yes i do appolagise for the Hanna Montanna quotation but i live with 2 children who like the show and it gets to you. so i have this week and next week at this house with this family i think then i will be moving on i belive. hard to say what they have in store for me but needless to say it will be an adventure. i will miss all my kids though and i hope i can see them again before i leave for home. everyday life is the same as always. yesterday i was running late and one of the mothers from the school offered to drive me to work it was great! wonderful lady and we had an interesting discustion. she has many family members in american and canada for school so she knows about the world. we had a nice convo, in french may i add, about Cameroon its future its money troubles and its people. as i said it was a very pleasent morning. haha now i am helping 3 people with english at the orphilenant the ladies there are wonderful and lots of fun. i guess that is it for now, i am hungrey- breakfast is my meal of the day and it is compleatly disrespected here; bread and milk or coffe are only a morning snack thank you not breakfast. lol anyways laters take care and love you. Emily

Monday, November 2, 2009

hello hello

i was told that there are about 120 days left on my trip. here each day goes slow but time overall passes quickly. there is not much to report, just all is fine normal everyday stuff. i am covered in baby food today- that is new. there was a baby revolution and they went a little crazy. needless to say trying to spoon feed 3 babies around 7,8months old is kinda difficult and when they are angrey it gets harder. so thats it for now. love you all and take care.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

well stupid comp hates me but thats ok

i had 8 minutes left to write a quick entry just to say hi and announce that my cell seems to be accepting calls free of charge on this end at the moment so try to call if you wish. also for those who dont know texting works fine most of the time. but my comp exploded, well not literaly but ya know, and i had to go buy more time and come back on. not too hard but still anoying. most is still the same here but yesterday i was invited to the house of one of the ladies whom is helping at the orphanage she is here from france and has been here just a little shorter time than i. i went with her her 2 children and met the husband for a nice meal and good conversation. yumm half normal food. lol i almost forgot how to eat wiht a knife and fork how sad all the one utencil eating and eating witht he hands has gotten to me. OMG after we went for a swim and it was heavenly!! wow to be compleatly surounded by water that is not sweat is awsome! her chaufer; lol awsome!!! drove us to her house then the mother and daughter to dance class and me half way home. ha i got to use a chaufer!! lol sorry anyways it was a nice day and a plesent evening. i guess thats all for now but until later take care and love you all. Emily

Monday, October 26, 2009

hello hello

bonsoir again and i know i am writing more often hopefuly i can keep it up for a while at least. i am here agin in hopes of reciving the picture but no alas it is still not here. o well i guess you will just have to wait until i can figure out how to get the pics loaded-i have 500 so far so i would only upload a few for now and the rest when i get back but i am dreaming again. mom, dad, lorie and brian would you be too too mad if i brought home a baby or two -or 3 or4 or5...? god i want to! they are so loveable! again dreaming but i will come back and get one one day if i can. so life is fine here i tried new food called quqoi i think it is pronounced coqie. itt is alright. i should really go but i will come again soon so love you all and take care. Emily

Saturday, October 24, 2009

wow i know two days in a row!!

bjr tout le monde, i know two days in a row is unheard of from me and honestly dont get used to it lol. dont worry nothing is wrong so dont worry i was just checking my e-mail. a friend took 2 pictures of me on his cell phone and promised to send them to me last night but of corse in the true men and cameroonien way it is not there. i know i will get it one day but there is no rush here. it is kinda nice because i dont like to rush either so it works out quite well. dad asked about my toilet roll situation and i just wanted to report that i have 2 of mine left and that there is toilet paper in the house i am staying in presently and i can buy mose if i wish. the same friend from before has said he would take me to a traditional festival of sorts just before i leave, it is in Bafoosam i think but ignore the spelling problem. there i can but all sorts of afican and Cameroonien stuff so i will be saving my money for then. that is all for now take care and love ya-Emily

Friday, October 23, 2009

bababa ba babybell - yes still thiking of food

sorry o about da title. de babybell song just came to my head. good news grandma, grandpa french is much much better now! im forced to use so much it comes well now. still problems forgeting words but it is more natural! i know de Pidgin from the lesson now and am proud. lol yes i am writing kinda funny i know, if you read it without thinking about the proper way to say it it sounds a little like they speak here. not exactly and with an awsome accent in real life but it will give you an idea. in the orphalinant there is a new baby who is 2 weeks old and was abandoned in a village and is being transported to Yaounde at the end of this week. i am also helping sister florence learn or emprove her english and that is fun. not too much else to report it has only been a few days scince the last poast so fair well for now and take care of your selves and love ya all. Emily-wow my name is right this time and no commenting Monica!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

bjr lol bonjour in texting sorry for no novel of excitment lol i will try to do a little better but it is not as exciting as everyone thinks sadly i feel kinda useless here as i can be doing this stuff easier in canada and i can at least take care of myself and do what i wish. well no more self pity for the moment - i will tell you stome stuff thoughi dont know where to start.... i am thinking of starting a hand washing buisness for clothes and delicates because i am getting good at it and getting fater lol faster though i am getting fatter as well. who in their right mind goes to africa and gets fatter!!!??? though i guess it is also all the carbs with every meal. oh i am taking people for afican food when i get home lol and i am still salavating over the banana bread btw megan. there are some meals i am trying to watch and learn and i might be able to make when i get home so i will try to cook for you too though not the traditional afican food because it is freaking hard to make so i will buy it. oh my god i want cereal lol or real milk though the powder stuff is awsome. enough about food for now i am already hungry. did you know that you going to sleep at 12 means you are going to sleep as i get up??... now you know!! lol had to sorry. i have learned to change a diper very quickly and it is cloth you have to wrap a certain way followed by another cloth followed by plastic. i dont know what else to write so i will just randomly ramble about whatever comes to mind; so i have kept a journal everyday you would be proud though not of the writing my semi organized writing has turned to pure streem of conciousnness writing and my concious does not have any logical order, wow i am thinking of food again... oh i got my hair done again plated back against my head with black mesh woven in it looks awsome from the front but the back is kinda weak. lol and my scalp is soon going to burn but o well cest la vie. you would laugh at my little knowledge of pidgin but i promise to learn at least a little more before i come back. it really is not as scary as it seems to people when you addapt i am quite confortable here and the people are welcoming. i cant wait to get home and eat turkey then become a veggie cuz i think eating monkey has put me off of meat it has a strange taste and i did not like it. oh and there is no address where i am staying - i am on a back street and just down the road are wooden hand built homes so it is not the most upscale of places. thanks to sargent for the most of this post because i m kinda lazy right now and used some or most of an email i sent her for this poast. love you all and take care emily

wow it is actualy me, emily, poasting this not mum

hello to all and if you did not read the title please do so now. thank you mom for putting all the poasts up all this time. i finaly got the @ symbol to work at least on this computer ctrl alt 0 so i am excited. not much is hapening here at the moment i love the babies and want to bring Jackalina, estel and albert home right now and the rest if i could. do not be suprised if i come home with a baby in my bag lol. the women of some men sent here to work come and play with the kids for 1.5 hrs everyday and it is nice that the children have company and new exciting toys to play with. wow they are getting better at walking even as i watch the wek and a have been there. veronica, or veo, is just marching around but she loves the freedom way to mutch lol. not much else to say for now i have already sent a poast to mom with some detils so i do not have much left but i just wanted to personaly poast while i can and say hi, love you all and take care, emiy.

Monday, October 19, 2009

na haow? lol yes i am trying to learn Pidgin and this means how are you? you respond by A day which means fine. i know this along with a few other random phrases like ya name na weti? which means what is your name and do you know how to swim? which is you sabi for swim? as you can probably tell it is broken english with a mix of french and african langueges mixed in. i love it but can hardly remember the few sentences i know so i must practice. i want to say happy birthday to dad though it is belated i am sure you had a great time at wasaga and has lots of tequila and hair snorting fun lol. well all is fine here and is kinda the same. cute little kids and wonderful food. oh and to Lorie i did call early it was like 7am but that is like 12pm here and it is a motorbike not a ricshaw lol they are kinda like your old dirt bike but more beat up. and the snacks are crackers, plantain chips, to which i am addicted, fruit drinks and other odds and ends. nothing too scary dont worry and i dont know my address and unles you can send me a pizza or a turkey with stuffing i am quite fine for now lol. i would love to take home one of the kids god they are cute and so loving. but alas that would be way to much work at the moment i will wait until i am out of school to come back and adopt one then lol. thats all for now enjoy your haloween i will be thinking of you because i dont belive it is a big deal or even recognized here. laters take care and love you all. emily

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hello hello, wow a month and a half already finished and only 4 and a half to go. i am now working at an orphanage called Orphilant Saint Jean de Deido. i am working from 9 to 1 with the young babies from 6 months to just under 2 years. i am still in the same house with the same family and that is conforting but i have farther to go to get to work. and it is more expensive to travel; a taxi to round point, 200 or 300 depending on the driver, then a bike, 100, to the orphanage then the same back. all is good though and i am actualy quite good at it now and i will get better. there are 9 babies and we wake them, change them, play with them then feed them change them again and put them down for a nap. then i go home and usualy stop at the school to visit and help. all is good. i think i forgot to mention that though the travel is expensive in francs it is about...2 dollars a day american lol ya. i believe that is all i have to report for now so if you have any questions post them and i will try to andswer the best i can. take care now. Emily

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Saturday, 12:01 pm, Oct.10

hello hello all. How? That is just "how are you" here amoung many other hundreds of ways of saying it lol. All is fine here and deffenetly interesting. i finished at Renaissance the school on friday past and i am starting at an orphanage on monday. i went to visit and it seems like a nice place. i will be staying with the same family for now because the orphange is just in the city close by and taking taxi and bikes there and home for now. they will try to find a closer home for me but until then. dont worry mom and dad there is another man who works there who lives in bonaberi so close by i will be traveling with him most if not all the time and my hours are 9am until 1pm for now i would like to stay later but later is like 4 or 5 and it starts to get dark so i will only stay if i move closer. i have tried so many strange foods here and i have eaten so many different meats now i cant wait to get home and become a vegatairen lol. so the list is beef, fish, chicken feet, snail, lamb and...monkey/ and this is just what i thought to ask about lol. well as i said everything is good and i guess that is it for now. take care and i will see you soon. love emily

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4:15 pm Cameroon Time

bonsoir tout le monde for those english people it says good night everybody all is well in my life here. i finaly found out that this is my last last week at the school here and of corse this comes just after i have had a bonding moment with the entire staff. so teachers day was yesterday and the parade was kinda boring; well there were those few people yelling at me to get my kind out of their country. so heart warming... anyways so after that needless to say i was down but then we went to a resteraunt and ate drank and danced and my mood was awsome because in case you dont know me i LOVE to dance. i have been watching the music videos on tv and have picked up some idea as to how they dance and it is to say awsome. i suprised everyone here that i could dance their way decently and we had a blast. man the guys can dance, lol monica and megan and ariel yes guys can actualy dance here. i tried beer dad and it was not too bad the kind was castel and it was ok. guess thats it for now so take care all and see ya in the future. emily

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3:35 pm Cameroon time

bonjourall is good here i am enjoying it and today i went to the pre nursary so 1and2 year olds they were cute. i cant wait until the next place i am not doing anyhting here i enjoy the people and the children but i am not doing what i came here to do. there is a teachers day parade next monday and the specialy made dresses will be ready at the end of this week. i will take lots of pictures if i am still here for the parade through downtown then dancing and party after. i am getting used to the water here i can drink a decent ammount with no ill effects i still use my stairi pen but just for the day and i drink there water in the morniing and at night. it is cold and it is from a clean water spout thing that only goes on at cirtain times. everyone is asking about the bathroom facilities so i will poast it for all to see; a toilet it does not flush but all you have to do is poor water in a bucket and into the toilet for it to go down. there is a sink there is only cold water but that is good because is is so hot here sometimes you need only cold. there is a shower;not the best water pressure but when you wash twice a day there is no need for pressure. there is also a big bin of water that is in the washroom with buckets and a little scoop thing for just small baths and a quick wash. i should mention that i have a cold yes i said a cold in africa. suprisingly they even call it a cold here. a lot of things have different names and very french influenced way of speaking not so. off the light it disturbes my eyes. good appitie. these are just some examples. i should go now so take care and 5 months until i see you all. laters emily

Friday, September 25, 2009

From Emily through her Mom 4:05 Cameroon Time

bonjour again i know it is amazing two posts in a week a new record for me. i am doing fine here and enjoying it, well i miss everyone but it is a new experience that i will enjoy. soon i will get a coppy of my schedule and be able to tell you all details of what i am to do in the future but for now i just know that i leave this area in the near future and go to a town on the coast called Limbe. i am finaly use to this area and i have to leave lol guess that is how it works. i will be glad to get out of the teaching i dont mind it and i love the children but i dont have anything to teach so i am an assistant that does little in some classes and paperwork in my normal class. i will miss the kids though especially Lilian and Eli and a few that have grown attached to me. there is a teachers day parade going on the 5th of october and everyone hopes i will still be here then. i hope so too madam lucy called a seamstress to take our measurments and make us special outfits, that would be an awsome keepsake. well i have to go my time is running out so take care of yourselves love you all and see you in the future.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday, 4:02 pm Cameroon Time

bonjour from Cameroun it is good here and i am well and enjoying it. i am assisting in a school with children and of course everyone stares at the only white person around but people are nice and the food interesting but good allot of fish and corn and bread and milk: i got my hair plaited it looks awsome and i kinda blend more even if people just think i am trying to blend it is good. i am sorry for the rare updates but it is hard to get to the internet. i have a cell if there is any urgent buisiness you must contact me about just ask my mom or dad and they can tell you. the city is much like you see in the movies and alot different. there are no home phones but everyone has a cell. people are nice and friendly for the most part and i feel welcome. it is a blessing that i know french and it is improving. everyone is very religious expecialy in schools but the faith is nice and i have been going to a ministry every sunday so my faith is still intact. i dont know what else i have not said but i will just ramble for a few minutes and hope i do not repeat myself too too much. have i talked about the family i am staying with or the main teacher i am working with i dont belive so so i will start there. the family is becoming like my family and i am getting used to the different chores like carrying water and wasthing my clothes by hand and hanging them: madam lucy the teacher i am working with is a wonderful lady and very welcoming she says i am like a daughter to her and her real daughter is so nice too. i should go home because the kids will be home soon and i have the key: love you all most of you platonically but whatever, take care of yourselves. emily

Monday, September 14, 2009

bonsoire everyone i am in cameroon and it is deffinitly different but in a good way of course. i am staying in Douala in an area called Bonaberi in a smaller area called 4 etage it is an interesting place i have started at the school and that is good. i have to go now because it is dark and i must walk back with someone. sorry for the lack of detail man i miss the freedom of walking around alone in canada. miss you all and talk to you laterlove emily

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In Cameroon 2nd day

i am now in Cameroon and wow it is different. i got to the airport safe and sound only problem is that i lost my pillow. the airport here was nuts but i finaly found the people and went to their home. i am staying with a family of 4, a mother and father and 2 girls. it is beautiful here and i cant wait until i can upload pictures. today we went to the market and into town, it is so interesting to see this diferent culture and they deffinetly notice me i kinda stand out - i havent seen another lite skined person sience i left the airport. i guess that is it for now and i love you mom and dad and i will call as soon as i can. laters

Sunday, September 6, 2009

last day =)

Wow i can't believe it is the last day before i leave!! almost all packed, and i don't think i forgot anything, now all there is to do is worry XD lol nah its all cool and hopefully everything will go without a flaw - haha ya right - well hopefully my next post will be from Cameroon or on my way there! laters =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

3 days...wow

almost there! as usual, there are more problems but nothing worth worrying over, thank God. i have talked to a few people that have done a similar journey or have been to Cameroon and i am geting more excited every day! I am really gonna miss everyone!!!!!! this is for you mom because you said you where teird of reading the same poasts over and over =P laters

Sunday, August 30, 2009

8 days left

wow the trip is coming soon and honestly i am so nervous i could puke =) i know it is unpleasant but when i think that in a week and a day i will be on a plane to a different country it is scary. i guess it is true that humans reject change-i am excited though, don't get me wrong! new people, new families, new culture, food, responsibilities, and everything else. oh ya the organization i am going with is called HOPE FOUNDATION CAMEROON. oh i found out today/yesterday that Canada does not carry the curacy of Cameroon - the CFA Franc so i will be bringing euro and American dollars and hoping to change it =) yay chance!!!! (sarcasm by the way, those who know me know i like to be VERY prepared, just in case-have you seen all the shit i carry in my purse "just in case"!?) well anyways, except my luggage being very overweight, even without clothes, and having 2 carry on, mostly filled with stuffed toys because they weight allot, everything is going well =) can you tell im freaking? well then that seems all for now... can't wait!!!!!! laters

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

13/12 days (it is 12:09 am) and i have my visa!

VISA TIME!! yes i finnaly have my visa and thank the lord i do :) it is nice to know i can get into the country :) thats all for now just wanted to say VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

14 days left and good news =)

time is going fast and now i have heard that my visa is accepted and will be mailed today and arrive tomorrow! that would be awesome and the panic has definitely calmed down. this weekend passed i saw family and got more supplies to bring with me and gifts for the families i will be staying with so that makes me almost ready to go! hopefully tomorrow i will have another post saying that the visa is here:) until later

Thursday, August 20, 2009

18 days left =)

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! the letter has been sent :) now i just need my visa but there is nothing i can do about that but wait. today i worked with Habbitat for humanity mississauga helping build a house and it was fun. all the volunteers working together to make a home for a family that needs a fresh start, it is inspireing and makes me very glad that i am going on this...journy, i guess is the word. i hope that i will be able to help at least one person, and that person helps another. kinda like in that movie - help 3 people who help 3 people- it is an amazing thought. well that is all for now. SO HAPPY ABOUT THE LETTER!!! laters

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

19 days left and no visa!!!

wow this sucks! i don't have my visa yet and there are only 19 days until i leave. oh by the way i am going to Cameroon for 6 months to volunteer (disabled people, orphans, teaching english) just in case you didn't know. so ya the letter from the foundation i am going with has not yet arrived at the consulate and that's a problem! so besides that major problem im getting ready to go and panicking all the time. (sorry for any spelling mistakes, i don't know why they are making me teach english when i spell with phonetics) i have most of my stuff ready and am collecting a lot of other things to bring with me =) cant wait! but i will have to leave my family and friends behind for 6 months and i will miss out on their adventures while im away =(. i will also be missing christmas and my birthday... lol oops =P well that's it for now hopefully the letter comes and i get my visa!! PS i just found the spell check XD